
MAGA: Make Americans Grovel (in poverty) Again

The national debt of the United States rose just shy of 7 trillion dollars during Donald Trump's presidency. Just observe the following chart and one will see the monetary damage inflicted by every Republican president since Nixon was in office. Please indulge me for a moment while I point out the Clinton, W.Bush, and Trump figures.  Oh how I wish so many women of America had not betrayed their country and inflicted great damage to their country and its female population by voting for GW. Bush and Donald Trump. However, if wishes were horses etc. I know many Republicans and other individuals will proclaim that Obama and Biden greatly increased our national debt. However, I am going to counter with the figures of the above chart. Please ponder for at least a moment the debt accumulated during the Reagan administration. Now then observe how Clinton did a phenomenal job and in my opinion a miraculous feat. According to Wikipedia: Clinton's final four budgets were balanced budgets

An Unsupreme Court Decision June 22, 2022 A day that lives in Infamy

  June 24th, 2022 a day that lives in infamy.   A day that smote down the future of all child bearing aged females in the United States. A day that still engenders anger, fear, dread, and regret upon my soul.  The angst that I experience upon the reflection of the knowledge of the June 24th Supreme Court decision is accompanied by great despair. My body and mind stiffens at the memories of constant dread of possible pregnancy that accompanied every hour and second of every day of my fertile existence. I recall the anger. I recall feeling trapped. I recall feeling imprisoned. I want to scream. I want to lash out. I want to slay the elusive invisible creature or being that has declared that a woman must live in constant fear because she is a female sexual being.  My mind lists the details surrounding the biological causes that lead to a female engaging in sexual activity and receiving the possible Life sentence that is imposed upon her for any sexual penetration.  That 18 year life sente

WellCare Medicare Advantage Health plans OTC cash cow

. According to Allied Market Research, the 2016 OTC market was valued over 200 billion dollars. The 2023 OTC market is projected to be valued at $335 billion. Centene corporation, Wellcare health plans, OTC Health Solutions, and CVS corporation have combined to use Medicare advantage plans OTC benefits to fatten and herd that cash cow into their collective barn.    March 27, 2019 Wellcare announced that Centene corporation would acquire Wellcare. 2021 Wellcare advantage health plans OTC  benefits are provided through OTC Health Solutions’s catalog . OTC Health Solutions catalog exclusively provides WellCare health plan members an extremely limited selection of generic CVS OTC products. Individuals enrolled in Wellcare advantage health plans must purchase OTC items through the OTC catalog in order to utilize their OTC quarterly benefit.  The purchase of the limited items is restricted to 3 orders per quarter. The quarterly OTC amount must be spent within that quarter or it is lost. The

Richest countries in the world and their health insurance

Well, Luxembourg has fallen to 10 place and United States is in 11th place so far as wealth is concerned.  The United States is number one in health care expenditures. Health insurance According to the World Bank data for 2008,  Luxembourg  is the richest country. The luxembourgforict website claims Luxembourg is the safest city in the world. Health insurance is mandatory and it is generally provided by the national social security system. Wealth is not a new status for Luxembourg and it is the world's second largest investment fund center. Skype and Ebay among many other internet companies have moved their local or global headquarters to Luxembourg. Surely, this country knows the best way to care for its citizens healthcare needs and they have a national system. Why are we reluctant to do as they do? According to the World Bank data for 2008,  Norway  is the second richest country in the world. World economic outlook database for 2009, lists Norway as the richest country world

Social Security Cola rip off

Congress has made sure that social security recipients will not receive a COLA for the next two years. Congressional members received a $4,700 pay raise in January of 2009, and in March of 2009, voted to curtail any increase until 2011. The congressional members currently receive an annual sum of $174,000.00. Why do they receive a raise in 2011, but social security will still have a cola freeze? I just do not get it. Food costs have risen. The New York Times reported in August of 2009 that food prices were likely to increase. What dates did the economists use to calculate the price of goods that the seniors are paying? Odd, that the New York Times stipulated the food prices would inflate in the last quarter of 2009 into 2010. Anyone out there?? Anybody going to say something?? Do something?? The corn future prices were $6.40 in September of last year and $3.80 in September of this year. Yet, pet food bags have been changed from 18 lb bags to 16 lb bags and the prices have remained

Medicare and Rx insurance hold ups / Robbery

I composed this 11 years ago and I believe it still seems to apply today. The dissatisfaction has grown from prescription drug coverage to OTC item coverage. The incessant drip, drip, drip of restrictions continue to plague an individual’s interaction with their health plan. Search Engine Submission - AddMe I feel threatened when I read about the penalties imposed upon individuals that do not sign up for Medicare plans within the designated periods. Insurance is a dirty word these days and immersing yourself in the jargon of the coverage descriptions can be most overwhelming. So this very sharp cleaver is held to your throat and you are given the option to pay now or pay much more later. How does one decide when none of what is being offered seems to be helpful and only seems to have the promise of plaguing one for not choosing the right plan to cover your hospital, accident incidents while traveling, prescription, or long term recovery bills. Where is my crystal ball anyway?