An Unsupreme Court Decision June 22, 2022 A day that lives in Infamy


June 24th, 2022 a day that lives in infamy. 

 A day that smote down the future of all child bearing aged females in the United States. A day that still engenders anger, fear, dread, and regret upon my soul. 

The angst that I experience upon the reflection of the knowledge of the June 24th Supreme Court decision is accompanied by great despair. My body and mind stiffens at the memories of constant dread of possible pregnancy that accompanied every hour and second of every day of my fertile existence.

I recall the anger. I recall feeling trapped. I recall feeling imprisoned. I want to scream. I want to lash out. I want to slay the elusive invisible creature or being that has declared that a woman must live in constant fear because she is a female sexual being. 

My mind lists the details surrounding the biological causes that lead to a female engaging in sexual activity and receiving the possible Life sentence that is imposed upon her for any sexual penetration.  That 18 year life sentence being forced to bear and raise a child. That life sentence that affects her education, her career, her finances, her health, her every hour of activity and changes her body forever. 

Anger and angst rises in great waves because there are no comparable repercussions waged upon the fertile male that engages in sexual activity. There is no equality available for the female that is born in the United States.  I believe that inequality must be rectified. My mind screams and declares that that inequality must be rectified!

I believe that just as males in the United States were at one time suffered the requirement to register for the draft, they should be required to register their DNA, fingerprints, and current address. This would enable the identification of the father, the impregnator, of a females fetus. The father and mother both should be monitored. The father should be required to tend to the infant an equal amount of hours as the mother. This requirement is most imperative in the case where the parents are economically challenged. The father has an equal responsibility to feed and tend to the infants or child’s needs.

The male should be held equally accountable for the health and safety of any fetus, any child, that has resulted from his sexual encounter from the very moment of its conception.  Just as the female has this sexual penalty imposed upon her without any choice given to her. So should the male have the same sexual penalty imposed upon them.

It is my hope. It is my dream.

As it is written, so let it be done.


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